Work Party #3, 2014

Saturday, 21 June 2014

The third work party of 2014 today was a well attended activity, and accomplished a number of summer tasks.  The day started cool and clear, and ended up being a delightful morning outside.  Coffee, doughnuts, lunch (from Ebner's), and beverages were available to participants.

The following are the tasks that were done:

Thanks go to member Pete Kosky and Star Rentals for the mini-excavator used in creating the areas for the three concrete pads.

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Mike Colvin, Mitch Coultas, Bill Doak, Joe Dula, Larry Fisher, Jason Hall, Robert Hohensee, Bob Hoover, Carl Johnson*, Chad Johnson*, Matt Macknair*, Adam Maurer, Mike McKernan*, Greg Ornduff*, L.C. Parshall, Richard Phaneuf, Bob Ray, Rob Rickard, Bruce Robbins, Jim Robertson, Ron Rohde, Paul Shuey, Steve Stash, Allen Stephenson*, Bob Sutton, Steve Timberman, Steve Turner, and Dennis Wehling*.