Work Party #1, 2013

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Today was the first work party of 2014, and it was one of the better work parties in terms of both participation and productivity.  Between the members and our new tractor (with forks and front end loader) we got more work done than usual.  The weather was also excellent for working - sunny and cool.  As usual, coffee, doughnuts, lunch, and beverages were available to participants.

The work tasks were pretty well distributed across the club facilities, so everyone benefited .  The following are the tasks that were done:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Hugh Boyle, Chuck Braun*, Jim Burdett, Bill Doak, John P. Eide, Cindy Gonzalez, Ed and Judy Grautski, Chris Johnsen, Carl Johnson*, Max Klaetsch, LeRoy Leiss, Chuck McClaugherty, Keith McGee*, Mike McKernan*, Greg Ornduff* L.C. Parshall, Richard Phaneuf, Bob Ray, Jim Robertson, Ron Saukko*, Allen Stephenson*, Bob Sutton, Steve Timberman, Homes Tupper, Steve Turner, and Dennis Wehling*.