Work Party #5, 2013

Saturday, 28 Spetember 2013

In spite of dire predictions for a rainy and windy day, and it being the first day of deer season, work party #5 on Saturday, 9/28/13, had 16 participants who did a lot of Fall grunt work.  The weather forecast for multiple inches of rain and higher than normal winds did not materialize in Canby until early evening.  Even so, during the afternoon the wind was dropping dead limbs from the trees of our neighbors to the west on shooters using the west 50 yard range, and it looked for a while like a half dead tree was going to fall into the power line to the club and onto the west range.  The shooters who were there abandoned the range, as large stuff was really coming down, and they rather optimistically moved to the east 50 yard range, as if 40 or 50 feet was going to make much difference.  As it happened, the wind diminished some, and the tree stayed up.

The work party was finished at about 11:45 AM, as there were renters entering the clubhouse at noon to set up for the 1973 Canby High School class reunion.  As usual, coffee, doughnuts, lunch from Ebner's, and beverages were available to participants.  Ebner's beef stroganoff soup was really good.  The following are the tasks that were done:

Bob Ray related that he got a telephone call Saturday morning from two hunters whom he had personally helped to sight-in their rifles, and they told him that they got one-shot kills in the first hour of their hunt today.  They wanted him to know they were really happy they had gotten their rifles properly sighted-in, and wanted to thank him for his help.  Bob walked around with a smile on his face most of the morning.

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk):  Jim Casey, Joe Dula, John Eide*, Lee Frazier, Chris Green*, Chris Johnsen, Dennis Kenagy, Gordon Matthews*, Chuck McClaugherty, Blaine Oswald*, L.C. Parshall, Richard Phaneuf, Bob Ray, Jim Robertson, Paul Shuey, and Bob Sutton.