Work Party #3, 2013

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Work party #3, 2013, on Saturday, 7/27/13, had relatively few participants, which we attributed to the lack of notice provided to members, and to mid-summer family activities claiming their available time.  The weather, for mid-July, was excellent - sunny with temperatures in the mid- to upper 70s.  We were fortunate to have the assistance of Pete Kosky and Star Rentals for a scissors lift and drill motor to help do the work on the range baffles.    Coffee, doughnuts, lunch from Ebner's, and beverages were available to participants.

The work party was, according to the schedule, finished at 12:00 PM, but most of the members stayed until 1:30 PM or later to help finish the required work.  The following are the tasks that were done:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk): Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Jeff Cohen, Tom Egan, L.C. Parshall, Jesse Raskauskas and Jamie (wife), Bob Ray, Jim Robertson, Paul Shuey, Steve Stash, and Homes Tupper.