Work Party #2, 2013

Saturday, 25 May 2013

The second work party of 2013 on Saturday, 5/25/13, was pretty surprising.  First, the weather, in spite of the forecasts, was excellent - party cloudly with temperatures in the mid-60s.  Second, even though it was a holiday weekend, we had almost double the number of members show up than we expected.  Third, we accomplished an amazing amount of work, thanks in large part to Scott Carr and Wilson Construction, Pete Kosky and Star Rentals, and Joe Dula and Moana Nursery.  Having the right equipment definitely makes jobs go easier.  As usual, coffee, doughnuts, lunch from Ebner's, and beverages were available to participants.

The work party formally finished at 12:00 PM, but quite a few members stayed until 3:15 PM to help finish the required work.  The following are the tasks that were done:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk): David Basham, Hugh Boyle, Scott Carr, Jim Casey, Larry D. Crownover*, Bill Doak, Joe Dula, Tom Egan, John P. Eide*, Dan Goetz*, Cindy Gonzales, Ed Grautski, Doug Hill, Doug Howard, Chris Johnsen, Dennis Kenagy, Gordon Matthews*, Adam Maurer*, Chuck McClaugherty, Blaine Oswald*, Richard Phaneuf, Jesse Raskauskas, Bob Ray, Bruce Robbins, Jim Robertson, Bob Sutton, Steve Timberman, Julian Trowbridge*, Homes Tupper, Steve Turner, and Mike Williams.