Work Party #1, 2013

Sunday, 24 March 2013

The first work party of 2013 on Saturday, 3/23/13, got the club off to a successful start on maintenance for the year.  The weather also helped, although it lowered the amusement factor in observing the members laying out the new ground cloth for the trap ranges in driving rain.  As usual, coffee, doughnuts, lunch, and beverages were available to participants.

The members accomplished quite a bit during the work party, although more remains to be done for those new members wanting to get their time in.  The following are the tasks that were done:

Members who participated in the work party include (new members names are marked by an asterisk): David Basham, Hugh Boyle, Jim Casey, Richard Chapin, Larry D. Crownover*, Joe Dula, John P. Eide*, Mark Fleming, Lee Frazier, Kenney Frentress*, Charles F. Fuller, Robert Hohensee, Doug Howard, Joshua Jensen*, Dennis Kenagy, Dell King, Gordon Matthews* Adam Maurer*, John McNally, L.C. Parshall, Bob Ray, Jim Robertson, Mark Simmons, Dale Smelser, Bob Sutton, Homes Tupper, and Steve Turner.