New Web Site Testing

Saturday, 3 September 2011

CRGC's web site is being updated, and we will be running the old site and the new site in parallel for several weeks as we conduct testing of the new site.  We don't anticipate moving the new site into production until 1/1/2012, so members can continue to use the existing site.  Even after the web site changes are put into the production code, there will be no change to the club's URL (, although detail-oriented members may notice the addition of new URLs during and after the testing.

The web site is being changed to update the code (much of it was written 10 years ago) to be compliant with new coding standards, and to add new features and functions for both members and club officers and committee chairpersons.  It has become more difficult to manage the club as the membership has grown, and we have engaged in more activities.  It is probably worth noting that in 2002 there were 538 active members (regular, life, and honorary).  There are now 707 members, mostly due to the addition of 50 regular members in March 2006, and a substantial increase in the number of life members as the

There are some fairly significant changes being made to the web site, including:

The existing web site will be changed to include a new menu option left menu bar to allow members to connect to the new web site.  If you wish to use the new web site directly, without first connecting to and using the new menu link, you may connect using