Work Party #3, 2011

Saturday, 25 June 2011

The third work party of the year is usually has two objectives:

This work party was no exception.  There were quite a few members participating in the work party, although we could have used another 3 to 5 people to be able to complete all of the work Saturday morning.  Lunch was sandwiches from Ebner's Meats, soda, and adult beverages.  The work included:

The following people participated in Saturday's work party.  A new member is signified by an asterisk following the member's last name.  Jim Burdett, Jim Casey*, Bill Doak, Joe Dula, Mark Fleming*, Lee Frazier, John Hazekamp*, Doug Howard, Dennis Kenagy, Kasey Kunz*, Mitch Magenheimer, Scott Peck*, Tom Philo, Bob Ray, Debra Sheehan*, Paul Shuey, Jason Slangan*, Bob Sutton, Steve Timberman, Mike Williams, and Bob Yow.