Special Work Party (Trees)

Sunday, 19 September 2010

There was a special two-part work party scheduled on Friday and Saturday, 9/17/10 and 9/18/10, to take care of some problems with trees in the club's parking lot.  Two of the trees had rotting limbs, and one had a bad trunk.  Both of the trees were going to be a problem for members and guests.

On Friday afternoon, 9/17/10, Dennis Kenagy led a crew to fall the trees, and get them out of the way of the traffic expected for the first sight-in day on Saturday.  One tree failed to cooperate, and took out two sections of fence and an electrical line for the parking lot lights when it went down, but those were the only real problems.  The parking lot looks different now, but the stumps still need to be removed and the holes filled with rock and gravel to prevent sinkholes from forming.

On Saturday, a bunch of busy members cut up the trees, split the wood, and stacked it under the wood shed for use in the fireplace in the clubhouse.  They also cleared the remaining trash from the parking area.

Particular thanks go to Joe Dula for bringing a skid loader, and Mitch Magenheimer who loaned a trackhoe for the work, and to the members who brought their own tools - chain saws, log splitters, axes, and wedges.

The following people participated in Friday's tree falling.  A new member is signified by an asterisk following the member's last name.  Mike Colvin*, Joe Dula, Dennis Kenagy, Mitch Magenheimer, Dan Postlewait, and Gary Stockwell.

The following people participated in Saturday's work party.  A new member is signified by an asterisk following the member's last name.  Jim Burdett, Joe Dula, Doug Hill*, Dennis Kenagy, Dan Otten* and Brandon, Dave Stockwell, Gary Stockwell, Butch Stoma, Bob Sutton, Michael Vissers*, and James Yancey.