Trailer Site Preparation

Friday, 22 June 2007

Progress is steadily being made in getting the site ready for the new caretaker's trailer.  If it weren't for the efforts of a few club members, who are doing the work just because it needs to get done, there would be no progress at all.  A significant part of work party #2 was clearing the junk around the old trailer in preparation for demolishing it.  Within two weeks after that work party, the trailer had been broken down into trash and recyclable materials, and hauled away.  Since that time:

The next steps are to get approval for the septic system, and then to actually move the trailer onto the site.  Once the trailer is on site, the services can be connected, and Dan and Julie Postlewait can move in.

Please remember to thank these members, who have contributed their time, equipment, and products to the club, and remember their companies as well if you know of someone who needs their diligence, skills, and experience.