Work Party #2, 2007

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Work party #2 was held today, Saturday, 28 April 2007, under fair skies and cool temperatures.  This was one of the best work parties we have had in a few years.  We had quite a few people - more than 28 - who turned out.

Several people donated material to the club, and loaned equipment for use during the work party:

We accomplished the following:

The following people participated in today's work party.  A new member is signified by an asterisk following the member's last name.  A member who stayed to work the whole day is signified by a plus sign following the member's last name.  Calvin Barrett*, David Basham*, Voss Bigonovich, Jim Burdett+, Mitch Coultas, Tim Dillworth*+, Rob Dixon*+ (and Jenny and Katja), Joe Dula*, Grant Garner*+, Harold Hansen, Jade Harris*, Bob Hohensee*, Doug Howard, Dennis Kenagy+, Greg Ladrow*, Jay Mittag* (and Jake), Bob Molitor*+, David Morales*, Steve Nimrod, Marty Paulson, Steve Pokropowicz*, Dan Stevens+, Bob Sutton, David Traaen*, Walt W Trapp*, Kevin Wright*, and Bob Yow.