Work Party #5, 2006

Sunday, 12 November 2006

Work party #5, the last scheduled work party for 2006, was held on Saturday, 11 November 2006.  The last work party is usually associated with tasks needed to prepare the club for the winter, and to get ready for the Turkey shoot.  While the weather on Saturday was much better than forecast, there was relatively little accomplished on the ranges since they were still under about 18 inches of water.  Other parts of the club grounds were also too muddy to support vehicles, so some of the other planned tasks were not done either.  We accomplished the following:

The following people participated in today's work party.  A new member in 2006 is signified by an asterisk following the member's last name.  Dwight Bond*, Alan Christensen*, Mitch Coultas, Tony Dornbusch*, Dan and Jasmine Ekenbarger, James Elliott*, Jim Epifanio, Jeremy Harris*, Dennis Kenagy, Erik Lallum*, Mitch Magenheimer*, Tony and Matt Marnella, Richard Phaneuf, Kelly Sampson*, Dan Sandberg*, Brandon and Jordan Van Atta*, and Carl Wiese.