Ad Hoc Work Party

Tuesday, 22 August 2006

Over the past few years CRGC has had occasion to remove dirt from various parts of the property as we have leveled some of the grounds, prepared trap #7, and other tasks.  We stored the dirt on what we believed was the west property line of CRGC.  Dr. Rod Beals, the owner of the property west of the club, has since started clearing the space to make room for cattle and horses, and has had the property surveyed so that he can construct a fence to contain the animals.  When our shared property line was surveyed (for which CRGC shared half the cost), we discovered that we had inadvertently stored the dirt just over the line onto our neighbors property, and it obstructed the building of the fence.  Accordingly Dr. Beals asked that we remove the dirt, or level the pile, so that he could build a fence and have the use of that part of his property.

Marty Clark, club member and owner of Martin Clark Construction, Inc., and Family Homes of America, Inc., in Aurora, and his nephew Marty volunteered to move the dirt pile for the club.  They arrived at the club at 8:30 AM on Tuesday, 22 August 2006, with a power shovel and dump truck and began work.  By 1:30 PM that day they had moved 32 truck loads of dirt back onto CRGC's property, to the north side of the 300 yard shooting positions.  Marty refused payment for their services, equipment usage, or even reimbursement for the cost of the fuel he used.

Please thank Marty when you see him around the club, usually during trap league shooting, for his time and effort on our behalf.  He has saved us a lot of money and aggravation by helping us out of a problem.