Work Party #4, 2003

Saturday, 15 November 2003

The last scheduled work party for 2004 was held on Saturday, 11/15/03.  There were surprisingly few participants, considering the number of new members (24) who still have work parties to complete.

The following tasks were accomplished:

Ten members showed up to work.  They were:  John Bee, Adam Berreth, Nathan DiCenzo, Tony Fetters, Stan Fidler, Doug Kitzmiller, Kurt Koehnke, Steve McLaren, Chris Mead, and Tom Turner.

A number of officers from the Canby Police Department arrived and helped with work on the range.  The department wished to show its support of the Club, and its appreciation for its ability to use the ranges for training.  We did not obtain a list of the officers to be able to provide individual credit for participating in the work party.  Our thanks, in any case, to Chief Ken Pagano and the officers of the Canby Police Department for their help at the club.