Work Parties

Tuesday, 22 July 2003

Two more work party opportunities for new members and others occurred in July.  Ed Dunnigan helped with the OFEF picnic on Saturday, 7/12/03.  Word of the cancellation of the work party on 7/19/03 didn't get to everyone who was interested, and several people showed up that Saturday morning to clean up the ranges, and the area around the clubhouse.  Participants in this impromptu work party were:  Dan Drazan, Stan Fidler, Duane Johnson, Steve Nimrod, Scott Werner, and Tom Wrolstad.  Lee Frazier has resurfaced and otherwise repaired 13 of the tables in the clubhouse, and also fixed the formica trim on the kitchen counter.

Work party #5 is scheduled for 9/6/03, and the last work party is 11/15/03.

There are several more work party opportunities, but these need to be coordinated with the club member responsible for the activity.  There may be work for qualified people to help with the hunter education classes from 8/18 - 8/28/03 (call Dennis Berreth, 503-651-2702, or Glen Watson, 503-651-2049).  The annual picnic (on Sunday, 9/14/03, this year) always uses as much manpower as we can get for running the rifle and shotgun matches, running the childrens' games, and helping with the kitchen and clubhouse setup and cleanup.  Check with John Bee at 503-266-7657, or Dennis Kenagy, 503-266-8664.  The annual hunter sight-in days are 9/20 - 9/21/03, and 9/27 - 9/28/03, and Dahle Gubele (503-771-5378) is in charge of that activity this year.  There are two turkey shoots this Fall which also could use help.  The Thanksgiving Shoot is 11/22/03, and Elwood's Birthday Shoot is 12/21/03.  Chuck McClaugherty (503-266-3964) is coordinating those events.

If you still need work party credits, but you cannot contribute to any of the foregoing activities, please call Bob Yow (503-266-5470) or Doug Phaneuf (503-651-3035) to arrange for some equivalent alternative.