Work Party 6/21/03

Saturday, 21 June 2003

Work party #3 was held on Saturday, 21 June 2003, amid some widely scattered showers.  A variety of maintenance work was done by the participants.  The fences, shrubs, and paths were weeded, and grass was trimmed along the paths, around the trap houses and trap pads, around the trees in the park, on the berms of the 50 yard range, and the 300 yard firing positions.  The trap pads, paths, and paved parking were cleared of debris.  Base plates were put on the trap machines in traps 5 and 6.  All of the trap houses were cleaned inside.  The new rails on the north side of the club house had the welds smoothed, and the pipe cleaned, and a base coat applied.

The following members participated in the work party.

  1. Eric Bekebrede
  2. Adam Berreth
  3. Nathan DiCenzo
  4. Charles Fuller
  5. Randy Kropf
  6. Chris McTavish
  7. Doug Phaneuf
  8. Tim Roelandt
  9. Bob Sutton
  10. Bob Yow
  11. Gary Zosel, and his grandson Kraig

The next scheduled work party opportunities are:

  1. 07/19/03 Work Party #4
  2. 08/11/03 - 8/21/03 Hunter Education Course (tentative, see Glen Watson or Dennis Berreth)
  3. 09/06/03 Work Party #5
  4. 09/07/03 Picnic
  5. 09/13/03 Sight-in day 1
  6. 09/14/03 Sight-in day 2
  7. 09/20/03 Sight-in day 3
  8. 09/21/03 Sight-in day 4
  9. 11/15/03 Work Party #6
  10. 11/22/03 Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot
  11. 12/21/03 Elwood's Birthday Shoot
Other unscheduled work party opportunities may exist, but these must be arranged through John Bee, Dennis Kenagy, or Bob Yow.