Women On Target Class

CRGC and the Portland Firearms Training Team, Inc., (PFTT) held a free introductory handgun class for women on Saturday, 2 October 2004, at the club.  There were 19 women who attended the class, and then shot for an hour and a half on the west 50 yard range.  The instructor from PFTT and a few helpers arrived at 8:00 AM, and the coffee and doughnuts were there waiting.  All the materials were laid out and ready for the students.  The women had almost all arrived by 9:05, and class started a few minutes later.

Shooting was done on the west 50 yard range from a distance of approximately 15 yards from the target.  During the shooting phase of the class there was a coach for each firing position, and a range officer in charge of the firing line.  All of the women fired the S&W .38 Special revolvers provided by the PFTT, with ammunition provided by an NRA WOT grant.  The women leaving the line seemed to be happy and satisfied with the class and the shooting.  Some stayed behind for some extra help, and one or two stayed to learn how to shoot the pistols they brought.

Thanks are due to the PFTT instructors who put on the class and ran the range.  CRGC member Kevin Starrett was also on the range to help coach students.  Information about the PFTT can be found on their web site at http://www.pdxftt.org/.