Women On Target Class

CRGC and the Portland Firearms Training Team, Inc., are going to hold a free introductory handgun class for women on Saturday, 2 October 2004, at the club.  There will be two sessions, with the first starting at 9:00 AM, and the second at 12:00 PM.  While there will be no charge for the class, participants are required to pre-register so that class sizes are manageable.  Instruction will be conducted by NRA Certified Pistol Instructors from the PFTT.  This course was organized by the PFTT, and exceeds the statutory training requirement for the Oregon concealed handgun license.

The four hour course stresses gun safety and offers women a safe and fun introduction to recreational shooting.  The training includes classroom instruction, gun safety brochures, handguns, ammunition, targets, and snacks.  Students may bring their own handguns, but must bring a box of their own ammunition if their handgun uses other than .38 Special.  The course is supported by Women on Target®, a program of the National Rifle Association, and by a generous grant from The NRA Foundation.

This course addresses the two causes of gun accidents, the three elements of gun safety, the three NRA rules for safe gun handling, safe gun storage in the home, the six fundamentals of handgun marksmanship, and further training opportunities.

For more information, or to reserve a spot in the class, contact Terry Carroll, PFTT Director, at 503-231-3761, or e-mail at pdxftt@yahoo.com.  Additional information can be found at the PFTT web site - http://www.pdxftt.org/ - or the Women On Target® program at 800-861-1166.  Questions may also be directed to the club via the club's e-mail address - crgc@canby.com - or by calling the clubhouse at 503-266-2453.