Women Empowered for Defense Training

Monday, 20 May 2002

The Board of Directors approved having the Club support a day long seminar for local women on personal safety, self defense, and the use of defensive handguns. The training will be provided by the volunteers of the Portland Firearms Training Team (PDX FTT), assisted by members of CRGC.

Principal funding for the event is provided by the NRA Women On Target, and Refuse To Be A Victim programs, and by private donations. CRGC will provide the facility and minor financial support.

Women interested in participating can communicate with Chris Vaughn ( christine@colamette.com) or Doug Phaneuf (rdp@canby.com) or the club e-mail (crgc@canby.com). They can also call the club (503-266-2453), or come to the club any Tuesday night an speak with Chris or Doug or John Bee. (rdp@canby.com). There is more information available from the principle instructor, Lee Anderson, at 503-231-3761, or e-mail at refuse@hevanet.com or visit their web site at PDX FTT.

The training will be held at the CRGC clubhouse and ranges on Saturday, 14 September 2002, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. More information is available at the clubhouse or from the PTT, and press releases will be given to Portland and Canby newspapers.