Trailer Site Update

Saturday, 10 November 2007

We are nearing the conclusion of work for the caretaker's trailer.  Since the last update:

Dan Stevens has done almost all of the digging, grading, and moving of dirt and gravel, as well as the plumbing, septic, and electrical hookups.  He has been essential to the progress of this installation.  Jim Burdett has done the paperwork and scheduling, and has worked on the trailer himself as well as setting up work parties to do skirting and other jobs for the installation.  Spencer Waite donated the new septic tank.  Dennis Kenagy has also provided advice and assistance to Jim in helping to get the work done, and laid out and framed the trailer pad, and prepared the gravel base.  Voss Bigonovich organized and supervised the pour and finishing of the concrete pad.  Ken Hostetler directed the work party and provided the tools to put on the trailer's skirting.  Stan Raney did some concrete block work to cover the water pipe coming from the pump house to comply with permit requirements.  Mike Swearingen painted the trailer inside and out as his new member work party effort.