CRGC Spring Trap League

Sunday, 16 March 2014

CRGC's Spring Trap League is set to start on Tuesday evening, 4/1/2014, and run through Tuesday, 5/20/2014.  This league is an opportunity to get out in the (mostly) sunny evenings and enjoy your sport with your friends and fellow CRGC members.  The competition is friendly and fun, and you'll probably add this to your regret list if you don't take the opportunity to come out and play.

League teams consist of 5 or 6 members, and may be composed of CRGC members or non-members or both.  There are also slots for CRGC-sponsored Junior teams (with shooters younger than 18 years of age on 4/1/2014), who may shoot the league for free (no charge for team fee, team members, or ammunition).

The rules for the 2014 Spring League can be found here, and you may print a copy of the .pdf file for your reference.  You may also print out a copy of the team sign-up sheet.  Copies of both of these documents may be obtained at the cashier's window at the clubhouse.

If you have questions, please communicate with CRGC's trap chairman, Chuck McClaugherty, at, or 503-793-8063.  You may also direct your e-mail to the club at