Sight-in Weekend 1, 2009

Sunday, 20 September 2009

The first weekend of the annual sight-in days completed this evening.  The attendance, both in terms of the number of shooters and in the number of rifles, was slightly below average on Saturday, but slightly above average on Sunday.  The only noticable difference was that Saturday was cool with rain showers, while Sunday was bright and warm.  One wouldn't think that Oregon hunters would be bothered by a bit of rain, but perhaps that was the case.  We'll see what happens next weekend.

The following people assisted with spotting and coaching this weekend.  A new member is signified by an asterisk following the member's last name and in parenthesis is the number of days worked.  Jack Baker (1), Dwight Bond (2), George Buckner* (1), Jeff Cohen (PFTT, 1), Darrell Nicholson (1), Bob Ray (2), Rob Rickard (1), Kolin Thiel (1), Steve Timberman (2), Chuck Tlusty (2), and Homes Tupper (2).

Any members who wish to assist next weekend are asked to talk with Bob Ray (503-936-1572), CRGC's range chairman.  All volunteers are welcome, and it is usually an interesting and diverse set of shooters who come to sight-in their firearms.