Sight-in Days, 2006

Tuesday, 26 September 2006

CRGC has just finished its annual assistance to hunters by providing them a place to sight-in their rifles, and some consulting on how to do it.  As usual the club was open the two weekends before the start of deer season, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM each of the four days.  We had 247 hunters bring in 320 rifles to be sighted in.  The club provided targets, sand bags, chamber flags, a spotter, spotting telescope, and spotter board (and occasionally a bore sighter and tools) to help each shooter.

The following club members helped during the sight-in days.  A new member in 2006 is signified by an asterisk following the member's last name, and the number in parenthesis is the number of days the person worked:  Dwight Bond* (2), Jim Burdett (2), James Elliott* (1), Lee Frazier (1), Dahle Gubele (4), Jeremy Harris* (1), Cliff Hill (2), Tim Hulse (3), Cara Johnson* (1), Mel Johnston (2), Dennis Kenagy (2), Max Klaetsch (1), Gerald Livingston* (1), Barry McCain (1), Katie McCain* (1), Roger McKinnon* (2), Steve Nimrod (1), Herb Perigo (2), Kris Pokorny* (1), Bob Ray (1), Rob Rickard (4), Kelly Sampson* (2), Brian Scott* (1), Cory Smith* (1) Chris Sofich* (1), Ernest Souza* (4), Kolin Thiel* (2), Steve Timberman (4), Chuck Tlusty (4), Homes Tupper (3), and Jim Winters* (4).