Christmas Shoot, 2003

Sunday, 21 December 2003

CRGC's annual Christmas Shoot, also known as Elwood's Birthday Shoot, was held today at the club.  There were approximately 85 shooters who came to enjoy a beautiful winter day shooting trap.  The shooters accounted for almost 1,000 attempts at winning one of the 260 prizes that were awarded:  a half slab of bacon, fruit basket, ham, sausage, or turkey.  There were also 31 raffles for large fruit baskets, beverages, and a goodie basket.  Chris Vaughn had the kitchen open, and supplied an excellent breakfast and lunch for those people who took a break from shooting.  There was also an enormous birthday cake for Elwood, with enough for everyone.

A minute of silence was observed at 2:00 PM to honor Elsie Cutsforth, whose memorial service at the Canby Fine Arts Center began at that time.  Elsie was very supportive of the club for many years, and was one of those who helped pull the club through some very lean years.

The shoot requires a lot of effort from club members to pull trap, run the tables, collect money, pass out prizes, run the raffles, and several other tasks.  The members were:  Hugh Boyle, Dan Edwards, Tony Heckard, Duane Johnson, Dennis Kenagy, Emily Kenagy, Sam Kriegshauser, Chuck McClaugherty, Jeff Patterson, Doug Phaneuf, and Marty Zirbel.