November Turkey Shoot

Saturday, 22 November 2003

The first of the two Fall Turkey Shoots occurred today.  It was a good day, if a little cool, but there was a good turnout and the shooters enjoyed themselves.  Winners of the various shoots could win a turkey, ham, bacon, or sausage, and a total of 118 prizes were distributed.  Chris Vaughn had the kitchen open, and served both breakfast and lunch to the people who were there.

Eight members ran the operations today, and without their efforts it would not have been either successful or profitable.  They were:  Stan Fidler, Gary Griesenauer, Wayne Griesenauer, Chuck McClaugherty, Bob Sutton, Dave Thompson, Joseph Wipff, and Bob Yow.

The Christmas Turkey Shoot, which also celebrates Elwood Faist's birthday, will happen on Sunday, 21 December 2003, with the doors opening by 9:00 AM.  The kitchen will be open again, and there will be more shotgun shooters there for more prizes, including fruit baskets.  There will also be indoor games, and a variety of prizes which will be raffled off.  Come and shoot, or watch, or play, or all three.  It will be an enjoyable day.