50 Yard Range Target Frames, 2007

Saturday, 10 November 2007

As most members are aware, the cables that are used to hold up target boards on the two 50 yard ranges are a constant problem, because either deliberately or by accident (or by just poor shooting) they are often hit by bullets and broken, and require frequent repair.  Jim Burdett discussed the problem with several club members and members of the board, and, after some research, has started implementing a new set of target board holders.

The new target holders consist of a base constructed of railroad ties across the width of the range just in front of the backstop.  Two inch square steel tubing is driven into the tops of the railroad ties about every four feet across the range.  The square tubing is used to hold a wooden 2x2 post to which a target board is attached.  The railroad tie base and the tubing are protected from range vandals and poor shots by two more railroad ties, one on top of the other, across the range in front of the target bases.  All of the railroad ties are held in place by re-rod driven through the railroad ties into the ground beneath them.  A supply of target frames will be kept near the 50 yard shooting line for use when one on the target line needs to be replaced.

THE TARGET BASES ARE NOT TO BE USED AS BACKSTOPS FOR OBJECTS PLACED ON THE GROUND IN FRONT OF THEM.  Doing so will be considered a violation of the range rules, and members who violate the range rules may be reported to the board of directors for disciplinary action.