Annual Picnic Report

Saturday, 25 August 2007

The Picnic and Lunch

The annual picnic, under the leadership of member Jennifer Kunzman, was held at the club today.  It was the best picnic the club has had in the past several years.  There were 192 tickets for prize drawings distributed to adults before lunch was served, so some late arrivers may have been missed.

There were 235 meals served at lunch.  Lunch included cooked turkey, sliced after cooking, beef, baked beans, three bean salad, Caesar salad, potato salad, macaroni salad, plain and sesame seed rolls, corn on the cob, hot dogs and buns for kids, condiments, ice cream (vanilla and Neapolitan in bars, sandwiches, and push-ups), Otter Pops, and drum sticks.  The meat was donated by member Joe Stone, owner of Fisher's Meats in Canby, and was cooked by John Weisz, Jr, who also loaned the club his corn cooker for the picnic.  Ordinarily we give the left-over food to the folks at Hope Village, but this year they didn't get very much.

Bradley Kubik managed the kids games with the help of Ed Jensen and Dave Chinn.  The games included:

There were more children at the picnic than in years past, but there still were awards for just about everything.

Picnic Workers

The picnic committee, each of whom did considerable real work in addition to the planning, was composed of (in alphabetic order):  Karl and Jennifer Benz, Dave Chinn, Bob and Colleen Hogan, Ed Jensen, Brad Kubik, Ken and Sharon Kubik, Jennifer Kunzman, and Bob Ray.  There were, as usual, members who provided invaluable assistance, and included:  Adam Berreth and Jake Burroughs (who set up the horseshoe pits), Hugh Boyle (food), Dennis Kenagy (corn, and gratuitous advice to Jennifer) and Dan and Julie Postlewait (cleaning, setup, mowing, etc.).  Considering the quality of the result at this picnic, all of these people deserve thanks whenever you see them.

Rifle Competition

There were 35 shooters in the rifle competition in the morning.  All shots were fired from the 200 yard line.  The shooters were assigned to groups by age, and each age group had somewhat different shooting conditions as noted below.  The winner was the person who fired the smallest 5 shot group.  Persons shooting from the bench fired six shots for record, while those shooting offhand fired 8 shots.
Shooter Group Finish Shooter Grp Size
Seniors (60+ years old)
1 John Pursley 11 inches
  2 Herbie Perigo 12 inches
  3 Diana Barrett 13 inches
Men (18 to 59 years old)
1 Jay Partlow 6.5 inches
  2 Dan Sandberg 9 inches
  3 Jeremy Harris 10 inches
Women (18 to 59 years old)
1 Hadley Williams 7.5 inches
  2 Chris Vaughn 8 inches
Teens (13 to 18 years old) N/A    
Juniors (8 to 12 years old)
(sand bags)
1 Cheyenne Partlow 4.5 inches
  2 Cody Partlow 11.5 inches
Pre-junior (less than 8 years old) N/A    

Trap Competition

There were 27 shooters in the club's trap competition.  The competition had five different shooting situations for a total of 30 targets: The winners were:

Finish Shooter Score
1 Gary Griesenauer 25
2 Jay Partlow 22
3 Ron Schoenborn 21
Ron won third place in a three-way shoot off with Jeremy Harris and Dan Postlewait.


There were drawings for various door prizes which started just before lunch, and continued for another two hours.  The prizes were provided by the donors listed below, and included gift certificates, wine, a one hour massage, games, knives, nursery plants, gift bags, and other items.  There was a second drawing for more valuable prizes, and those winners were: Tom Allen donated his prize to CRGC for use on the parking areas.


A number of companies and individuals contributed prizes for the two drawings described above.  The donors included (in alphabetic order): These contributors deserve your thanks and your patronage.