Annual Picnic and Shoot

Saturday, 9 September 2006

It was a beautiful day with a disappointing turnout for the club's annual shoot and picnic.  The day began at 8:30 AM with the rifle competition, and was followed at 11:00 AM by the shotgun competition.  Members began arriving for the picnic shortly after noon, and lunch was ready at 12:45 PM.  There were 81 members and family who came to the picnic this year.

The shoots ran relatively quickly as there were fewer shooters this year.  The rifle shoot was for smallest group shot offhand from the 100 yard line with a center fire rifle legal for deer.  Tim Hulse won the men's division with a 7 5/8 inch group, while Dennis Kenagy was second with 9 1/4 inches.  Cathy Burdett won the women's division with a 7 1/2 inch group.  The trap shoot was a 16 yard standard trap event.  Dennis Kenagy won the men's division, with Jim Burdett in second place.  Cathy Burdett won the women's division.

The lunch was prepared by Rick Peterson, with the help of Jim Burdett and Dennis Kenagy.  There were barbecued baby back pork ribs and chicken, with Elsie's potato salad, macaroni salad, and baked beans from Cutsforth's.  Super sweet corn and rolls rounded out the lunch, and there was ice cream for dessert.  There were also coffee, soft drinks, and beer when the attendees got thirsty.  All in all, it was an appropriately fine lunch for a very nice day.

Jim Burdett and Dennis Kenagy organized the picnic and did most of the work, while Dahle Gubele ran the rifle shoot.  The following people worked on the picnic.  Jim Burdett, Jeff Carson, Dahle Gubele, Dennis Kenagy, Sam Kriegshauser, Dayly Peterson, Rick Peterson. and Homes Tupper.