CRGC Pet Policy

Wednesday, 6 April 2012

Pursuant to a special board meeting held on Monday, 2 April 2012, the board of directors have created and adopted a policy for pets at the club.  The policy is effective immediately.  The following is the text of the policy:

Pet Policy
CRGC is pleased to have pets at the club, however there are a few simple rules to prevent conflict between pets on CRGC property.

Member Responsibilities

  1. Members are responsible for the active control of their pets while on CRGC property, including avoiding conflict with pets of other members.
  2. When bringing a pet onto CRGC property for exercise or training, prior to releasing your pet you must notify the club’s caretaker that you and your pet are on the facility.  This will allow the caretaker to inform you of any other pets on the property, and allow the caretaker to kennel any pets belonging to the caretaker.
  3. If you are bringing your pet to get used to the sound of gunfire, for instance on a Tuesday or Thursday evening, or during other shooting events, the pet must be on a leash or have been trained to reliably and immediately respond to voice commands.
  4. There are numerous users and renters of the CRGC buildings and grounds, so please pick up after your pet.
Caretaker Responsibilities
  1. If the caretaker has a pet, it must be kenneled during club events, including open trap shooting on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, rentals, and other scheduled events.
  2. If the caretaker has a pet, it must be kenneled when the caretaker is notified by a member that the member is going to exercise or train a pet on CRGC property.  If the caretaker returns to CRGC after an absence, the caretaker must use reasonable care to make sure there are no members exercising pets at CRGC before releasing the caretaker’s own pet from the kennel.
  3. The caretaker must notify a CRGC board member if someone is not complying with the CRGC pet policy, including some means of identifying the person being reported (e.g. member name, vehicle license number, or witness names). The caretaker is not authorized or responsible for enforcing CRGC rules or policies.

The member handbook has been updated to include the new policy, and a copy is available on the club's web site under the Membership item in the left side menu bar or by clicking here.  A copy will also be distributed in the next newsletter.  Please feel free to communicate with an officer or director if you have any questions.