Portland Police Bureau Range Use

The board of directors approved the rental of the clubhouse, and the use of a range, by the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) as another community service of CRGC.  Starting on Wednesday, 10/20/04, the PPB will begin holding training classes each Wednesday and Thursday in CRGC's clubhouse and on one of the 50 yard ranges.  All 900 officers of the PPB will attend classes and shoot at CRGC during this training cycle, which is expected to continue through June, 2005.  There will be two sessions each day, with one group in the morning in the clubhouse while another group is on the range, and then the groups will switch locations in the afternoon.

The clubhouse and one 50 yard range will be in use from 8:00 AM through 5:00 PM on the training days.  The PPB will have a range officer in charge of their shooting activities, and an instructor in charge of the classroom.  The PPB will be supplying their own targets and frames, and will pick up their materials after their range usage.  The PPB will also be parking a small trailer at the west edge of the club's property, just south and west of the west 50 yard range.  The PPB will store their targets, frames, and other training materials in the trailer.  They will not be storing any firearms or ammunition at CRGC.

There will be a few weeks around the holidays when training may not occur.  Check the calendar for range usage information.  If you have questions, please communicate with the club's range officer, Dahle Gubele.