OASR Representative Needed

Tuesday, 18 October 2005

John Bee has been the CRGC representative to the Oregon Association of Shooting Ranges for two years, and his appointment ends in March, 2006.  CRGC is looking for another member who would be interested in representing CRGC in this state-wide organization.  If you are interested in working to preserve and improve shooting ranges and their availability in Oregon, please communicate with John to learn more of the details.  John can be reached by telephone at 503-266-7657, or e-mail), or you can communicate with any member of the CRGC board by leaving a message at the clubhouse (503-266-2453) or sending an e-mail to crgc@canby.com.  Minutes of some of the OASR meetings can be found on this web site (click here and here), and may provide more information about the organization's directions and activities.