OASR Accomplishments

Wednesday, 11 August 2004

CRGC is a member of the Oregon Association of Shooting Ranges (a division of the Oregon State Shooting Association), which was formed a year ago to preserve and improve shooting ranges around the state.  The following is a copy of the notes delivered by Tim Pitzer at the OASR meeting in Bend, on July 23, 2004 - a meeting which included members of the NRA headquarters, ODFW, and others.

  1. Obtained an emergency grant of Pittmon-Robertson funds in the amount $12,000 for Siuslaw Rod & Gun Club to realign their berms.  Florence City Council allowed development behind their range causing the need for realignment  There was a need to extend the grant year for three months to accommodate the work  At the request of OASR, ODFW applied for and obtained the extension.  This is the first P-R grant awarded outside of the normal grant cycle year.
  2. Created the largest member driven non-profit 2nd Amendment organization in our State.  The membership of OASR member ranges become limited members of OSSA, bringing OSSA membership to over 5000 members and growing.  Several states have inquired about our structure as well as the NRA and the NSSF.
  3. Speakers. Our meetings have on two occasions brought Rick Patterson, Director of the National Association of Shooting Ranges to inform us of environmental issues and Community Relations.  We have brought in Ed Guster from the New York office of the EPA to explain the Environmental Stewardship Plans.  We have coming in July of 2004, Steve Miller, Director of Field Operations for the NRA, to discuss improving relations between NRA, the State Association and Shooting Ranges.  The size of our membership and the direction we are headed is attracting the attention of the national groups.
  4. Because of the ability to get Ed Guster of the EPA out here from New York, we now have 6 ranges with completed ESP's and certified with the EPA.  More are working on their ESP's.
  5. OASR was able to effect changes in the requirements called for in the Environmental Stewardship Plan.  We objected to the reporting of rounds fired and having members log in and record the number of rounds fired.  Our objection was strong and resulted in the removal of this requirement from the National ESP draft.
  6. We have House Representative Betsy Close working with us to persuade the Oregon DEQ to adopt the Federal EPA Standards for Shooting Ranges.
  7. We also have House Representative Betsy Close working on a House Bill to provide disclosure in zoning laws.  Homebuyers would sign the disclosure that they are aware of a shooting range located in their vicinity.  This will eliminate noise suits by proving that they were aware of the range when they moved in.
  8. We have been invited to the Oregon Republican Candidates Meeting where we will have an opportunity to voice our opinions to politicians running for office as well as incumbents who will be in attendance.  This particular gathering is rather small and informal, providing an excellent forum for close, personal conversations.  We are honored to be among the few invited to attend this meeting.
  9. The Chairman of OASR now sits on the panel for allocating Pittmon - Robertson Funds as well as the Vice-President of OSSA.
  10. Both the OSSA VP and the Chairman of OASR are on the ODFW Sporting Group Leader's Meeting.
  11. We have gained ODFW support for the Oregon YHEC Program.  We will be meeting with them to determine the level of support.
  12. We have been asked to assist ODFW in restructuring the Master Hunter Program.  We will certainly accept and we appreciate the opportunity.
  13. We are in the process of building an electronic communication network with OASR Club membership.  We have a web site www.oasr.org and will be discussing how to make that work for us.  Suggestions are welcome.
  14. OSSA\OASR was called upon to represent gun owners when Gale Norton, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior was recently in Portland.
  15. OSSA\OASR assistance was requested by the NRA and the National Forest Service to inspect an undesignated Shooting area in the Siskiyou National Forest.  The site was evaluated for safety and a recommendation written.  We also offered our assistance in construction of a safe facility at an alternate location if the needed.

We have many irons in the fire. The larger we become, more opportunities will arise.  We are consolidating gun owners into one large organization under a State Banner.  There is much to learn along the way and we look forward to the challenge.