Board Nominations

Saturday, 19 December 2009

The annual meeting of the CRGC membership will be held on Saturday, 16 January 2010.  One of the principal reasons for the meeting is the annual election of club officers, and half of the board of directors.  (Officers, who are also members of the board, are elected each year for a one year term.  Directors are elected to two year terms, and two directors are elected each year so that there is some continuity in the composition of the board.)

This year, 2010, the nominee for Vice President is Chuck McClaugherty, who is currently a director, and whose term has one year left.  At the 2010 meeting, then, the members will elect two directors to fill the two positions whose terms expire in January, plus another director to fill the one year remaining in Chuck's term.  The current nominees for election are:

The director whose term is not expiring, and who will continue on the board is LeRoy Leiss.  The three director positions for which nominations are solicited are currently held by Dennis Kenagy, Chuck McClaugherty (1 year remaining), and Dan Stevens.

Nominations for any open position may be made at the annual meeting, or prior to the meeting to Jim Burdett (503-266-5327 or by e-mail to  You may also speak with any officer or director (see the list at Directors on the web site in the Board menu item).