On Line Newsletters Update

Thursday, 5 June 2003

The club's newsletters from the first quarter of 2000 through the first quarter of 2003 are now on the web site.  All of the information printed in the newsletter is available on the web site, with the additional benefit of being able to see the colors which are in the original, but which are not able to be printed (for reasons of cost).  The newsletters can be found in the Newsletters Menu, and are organized by year, and then by quarter within year.  The newsletters vary in size from 200K bytes to 600K bytes for the ones with color images.

The newsletters are stored as .pdf documents, which can be opened, displayed, and printed by Adobe's Acrobat Reader software on your PC.  We have used this format because it takes considerably less space to store (Microsoft Publisher versions of the documents required 16,770,864 bytes of storage, and the Adobe Acrobat versions only need 5,575,220 bytes.).  In addition, with Acrobat Reader you may print the documents, save them to your computer, or magnify the documents or their contents on the screen for better viewing.  The newsletters will open in a new window to give more viewing area, so when you want to go back to the web site, just close the newsletter window.

Acrobat Reader is a well known and free software package available for download from the Adobe Systems Incorporated web site.  Information and download is available from:  http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html, or by clicking on

Please feel free to make comments and suggestions by e-mail to crgc@canby.com.  There are several ways to present the newsletters, and this may not be the final technique.