Newsletters On Line

Sunday, 9 March 2003

The club's newsletters from the first quarter of 2000 through the first quarter of 2003 are now on the web site.  This work was done in preparation for making the documents available electronically.  This is the first pass at the project, and we will refine the displays and typefaces, and make a printer-friendly version as we get time.  All of the information printed in the newsletter is available on the web site, with the additional benefit of being able to see the colors which are in the original, but which are not able to be printed (for reasons of cost).  The newsletters can be found in the Newsletters Menu, and are organized by year, and then by quarter within year.  Each page of the selected newsletter, except the mailing cover, can be obtained from the menu.

Please feel free to make comments and suggestions by e-mail to  There are several ways to present the newsletters, and we have not yet settled on the final technique.  There are trade-offs between the quality and usefulness of the web pages, and the time it takes to make them available.