Special Member Meeting

Monday, 16 June 2014

The special meeting of the members to vote on the purchase of the property that includes the club's premises was held the evening of Monday, 6/16/2014, at 6:00 PM in the clubhouse.  There were 183 members in attendance.  The first motion dealt with replying to the current offer to purchase the property, in accordance with the terms of our lease.  The second motion was to amend the bylaws to apply the same property purchase assessment to returning CRGC members.  Club President Joe Dula established that there was a quorum present (a minimum of 25 members are currently required to constitute a quorum at a special member meeting), and called the meeting to order.

The report of the meeting will be included in the next club newsletter, which should be sent to members during the week of 6/22/2014.

The first motion, which was to assess one time each regular and life member of the club $300.00 for their contribution to the purchase of the property, was discussed at length in a presentation, and in answer to the questions from the members at the meeting.  All CRGC board members were present, and they were (in alphabetic order):  Jim Burdett, Joe Dula, Adrian Hamilton, Dennis Kenagy, Chuck McClaugherty, Ben Millar, Doug Phaneuf, Steve Turner, and Jim Warn.  They were assisted an advisory committee composed of members (in alphabetic order):  Bob Christie, Scott Gustafson, Steve Marshall, and Ted Troutman.  Advisory committee member Mitch Magenheimer was not at the meeting.

After discussion, the question was called and a vote to approve the unamended motion was taken by a show of hands.  (Paper ballots were available to be used in the event that the vote was too close to accurately count in a show of hands.)  The vote was 180 members voted to approve the motion, while 3 members voted against the motion.  A simple majority was required to approved the motion, so the motion carried.

The second question, which was to modify the club bylaws to require any returning member to pay any dues or fees which were assessed during the period in which the member was listed as an inactive member of the club.  After discussion the motion was amended to require returning members to also be members of either the NRA or the Gun Owners of America.  The amendment was adopted, and the vote on the amended motion was 178 members for adoption of the bylaws change, and 5 members opposed the adoption.  The bylaws require that two-thirds of the members present are required to approve a change to the bylaws.  The motion carried.

As a result of passing the assessment to purchase the property, members are required to make their payments not later than Thursday, 7/31/2014.  Members who fail to make their assessment payment will be dropped from membership after Wednesday, 12/31/2014.  If a member is experiencing a financial hardship, the member should request consideration and establish a payment process with the board of directors.  Members can make their payments in cash, by check, or with a credit card (although a $6.00 processing fee will be added to $300.00 credit card transactions).  Any payments may be made at the cashier's window whenever the club is open for business, or checks may be mail to the club at Post Office Box 311 in Canby, Oregon, zip code 97013.