Orders For Clothing With CRGC Logos

Monday, 2 January 2012

President Chuck McClaugherty has made arrangements with Frontier Screenprinting in Aurora to sell T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats with the CRGC logo to members.  In order to get volume discounts Chuck will be collecting orders from members and submitting them to the company after 31 January 2012.  Small orders may be available, but the prices will be quite a bit higher for a small run.

If you are interested in ordering one or more articles of clothing, please fill out a form and get it to Chuck.  You can send a copy by U.S. mail to the clubhouse, or e-mail a copy to him at chuckmcclaugherty@gmail.com or leave your order at the cashier's window on Tuesday or Thursday evening.  Chuck will communicate with members who submitted orders when the clothing arrives.  A notice will also be posted in the What's New section of the web site.

You can pick up and pay for the orders after Chuck gets them.  The clothing will be at the clubhouse, and will be available any Tuesday or Thursday evening after they are received by CRGC.  We may also open the clubhouse on a Monday or Wednesday evening just to handle the order delivery.  Payment will be made to CRGC, and we accept cash, check, or credit card (although we will add the credit card processing fee to the amount of the order).

If you have questions, please communicate with Chuck either by e-mail, above, or by telephone at 503-793-8063.

A .pdf copy of the order form can be found here.