Range Gate Is Working

Thursday, 15 January 2009

The gate to the rifle, pistol, and archery ranges has been open for some time because a power failure permanently damaged the PC that had held the gate card database.  A second PC was donated and installed, and the gate card software and data loaded, but that PC too failed after a couple of weeks.  It took us a while to get another PC, and then get free copies of the Microsoft Windows XP Pro operating system software and Microsoft Office Pro applications, and get them loaded on the PC.  After that work was completed, member Tony Heckard loaded the gate card software again, reloaded the gate card database, and edited all of the entries to make sure the data was valid.  All of this work was finally completed the evening of Tuesday, 1/13/09, and the gate became operational again.

We still may have a problem with about 13 cards (of the more than 640 that have been issued), because some of the database records do not have member names associated with them.  If your card does not work when you try to enter the gate, and Dan Postlewait (caretaker) cannot make it work, make sure Dan gets your name so that we can research the problem.  If you are one of the 13, we will get you another card.