Environmental Stewardship Plan

Monday, 17 May 2004

During the last few months the Board of Directors at CRGC has been working on taking advantage of a voluntary program to help ensure the continued use of our outdoor shooting ranges.  This initiative, called the Environmental Stewardship Plan (ESP) was started as a result of CRGC's participation in the Oregon Association of Shooting Ranges (OASR, a division of the Oregon Shooting Sports Association).  Dahle Gubele, a member of the board, led the effort, and performed most of the work.

On May 3, 2004, CRGC received a certified letter from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency containing a certificate of acceptance of our Environmental Stewardship Plan (Best Management Practices for Lead) at CRGC.  This management plan will help ensure that the members of CRGC will control how we manage our ranges.  Lead is becoming more of a public concern.  The fact that our sport uses lead places us in a position that someone with an axe to grind may try take legal action, or complain to a federal or state agency that the club is not complying with some applicable regulation.  This has already happened at TriCounty Gun Club.  We are taking the first steps necessary to continue to enjoy our sport.

The club will start a testing program to monitor the soil pH, and the board has approved the expenditure to purchase a pH measuring device.  We will survey our range for lead and water issues and make changes as needed.  We have established an ESP Oversight Committee and elected a chairman.  Club members wishing to serve on this committee are encouraged to contact the chairman, Dahle Gubele.  The ESP committee will review the progress of the plan, and monitor the ESP activities.  The ESP committee will make an annual report to the board of directors regarding ESP activities; the results obtained; and any necessary revisions to the ESP.