President's Corner

Sunday, 27 March 2005

The following was written by Dahle Gubele, the Club's president, to make the members aware of the need for some consistent longer term planning, and execution of the plan.  Dahle's contact information can be found on the Board page of this web site, or you may come to any Board meeting, or see him at the Club any Tuesday evening.

In this politically correct world that we find ourselves, I believe that our club needs to begin work on a vision plan for the future.  There are many ideas for the direction of our club; most are not in written form.  I will begin work on a five and ten year plan for the club.  If this plan is to be successful I will need input from the membership.  Having a plan in place will allow us to seek grants for improvements, plan for needs and continue our rich heritage of environmental stewardship.  I hope that with this leadership, the Board of Directors continues to update and use this planning process into the future.  Many challenges await us in the future.  We can and will be prepared to face them.