Donate Wild Game Meat to The Canby Center

Thursday, 19 November 2009

On Wednesday, 18 November 2009, Vice President and Secretary Ben Millar received the following e-mail (edited for web page display) from life member Bob Kacalek.  Perhaps a CRGC member has extra food that can be donated. 

Hi Ben,

Had a thought the other evening and wanted to share to see if the CR&GC might have some interest.

As a life member of the club and knowing this time of year many of our members have more game, fish or fowl in the freezer than they can use.  The thought came to me that they might want to share with those in need.

I am a board member of The Canby Center and we are focused on providing for some of the needs of the homeless kids in the Canby School District, today over 300 according to school district liaison.  Working with the kids also involves the families and I can personally share the need is great.  Food, Warmth, Hygiene, and Health are only a small part of what we provide.  We have a computer lab on site that usually has over a dozen kids at any one time with a tutor to assist them with their homework.  (How do kids complete homework without a home, many are sleeping in cars?)

My point in sharing this with you is food.  Do you think if we make know the needs in our community, that our members would want to share some of their bounty?  We recently were donated a couple of freezers for donated frozen products.  Think about it and if any interest, let me know.

I will try to answer any questions!!

The web site for The Canby Center is at  You can reach Bob by telephone at 503-684-2150 or e-mail at