Columbia Willamette Rifle League

CRGC received an e-mail from Bob Stevens, who is President of the Columbia Willamette Rifle League, inquiring whether any members of CRGC would be interested in forming a team and participating in the league.  A copy of his e-mail, which has most of the details, is included below.  Mr Stevens' e-mail address is  If you are interested, please feel free to communicate with him directly.  If you would like CRGC to participate in some way, please speak with any club officer or board member, or send an e-mail to the club.

By all means feel free to post or include my message in any format you wish.  The ranges are 50 ft. indoor, and this league is exclusive to .22 rifle competition.  Each team belongs to a club which has at least this type of facility which enables them to have "home" matches as well as go to "away" matches.  The top 5 individual scores of a position are added up to create the "team" score for each of the four positions (prone, sitting, kneeling, and off-hand).  The team with the highest position score receives 1 point for the position.  An aggregate point is also awarded, making a possible 5 points to be won for the match.  Individual scores are recorded throughout the entire season and trophies are given in each of four classifications, Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, and Master.  Teams are grouped by class, A, B, or C and awarded in those divisions.

The clubs involved in the league at this time are:  Portland Rifle and Pistol Club, Tri-County Gun Club, Hillsboro Gun Club, Douglas Ridge Gun Club, Vancouver Gun Club, Clatskanie Gun Club, The Dalles Gun Club.  Some of these clubs have two teams but most only one.  As of now we have nine teams.

The format for the matches is:  First relay of x number of shooters (depending on the range capacity) goes to the line, is given a three minute preparation time and at the Commence Firing command have ten minutes to complete the prone target.  The relay stays on the line and repeats the above but in the sitting position.  Then assuming there are more competitors, a second group of shooters comes to the line and does the same.  After all relays (usually no more than two) have completed prone and sitting, the first relay of shooters returns and shoots the kneeling target again within a ten minute time frame.  Second relay follows and lastly the first relay returns to shoot the standing or off-hand target as it is called.  Shooters are given 15 minutes to complete the off-hand target.

We would love to see a team from your club and if you have sufficient numbers interested, please contact me as soon as possible as we will need to include you in the schedule.  If you do make up a full team, will it be possible to use your range for the "home" matches your team would be expected to host?  The matches are on Friday evenings beginning at 8pm.  That requires that the range be open by 7pm so shooters have time to arrive, assemble their gear, warm up their rifles if desired, arrange lane assignments, etc.  Home ranges are expected to provide the targets for both teams.  Home team provides the range officers and scores the targets with the away team verifying and recording the scores.

If you do not have sufficient numbers to make up a team then the next option would be for those members to join one of our other participating teams.  Depending on the team/club, costs to join will vary.  Several of the clubs also have junior programs but I do not have the specifics.  Speaking of juniors, I am very hopeful to add to our number of participating junior members this year.  Our league had the privilege of having Sarah Blakeslee as a member of our Vancouver club and we enjoyed cheering her on as she participated in this years Olympic games.

As to the CWRL itself, a fee of $14 per adult and $7 per junior should be paid at the beginning of the season.  This is for the trophies at the end of the season and other miscellaneous items.

I look forward to hearing again from your club or individual members and I thank you for your prompt reply to my original message.

Bob Stevens