Cast Bullet Association Match

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Jess Dressler, the CRGC match director for the Cast Bullet Association shoots at CRGC, reported on the first match held.  He wrote:

The Cast Bullet Association (CBA) held their first match at Canby Rod & Gun Club on Saturday, November 7, 2009.  The CBA is a group of shooters using lead cast bullets.  We shot one match at the 100 yard range.  A perfect score would be 200 with 20 X’s (bullets in the X-ring, which is inside the 10 ring).  The wind was gusting from 10 to 30 mph which made for a very interesting match.

We had four shooters in Heavy Class (rifle weighing less that 14 lb with unlimited modifications), one shooting Plain Base (lead bullet with no gas check) and one in Military Class (military rifle with a maximum of 6 power scope).

As I said, the wind was really blowing and the scores showed it.  The Heavy class shooters' scores ranged from 173 to 195.  Two shooters had 2X and two had 3X.  High score went to Bill Laughlin from Washington with 195 2X.  Yours truly shot a 191 3X.

We will be holding matches on the first Saturday of each month for the next 13 months with the exception of September and October, 2010.  Members of Canby Rod and Gun Club who are interested in shooting cast bullets in shoulder to shoulder competition are welcome to join us.  You can contact me via e-mail at or call me at 503-266-3820.  Membership in the CBA is not required.

You can find more information about the Cast Bullet Association at their web site -