2010 Shoot Results

The club's annual shooting competition was held in conjunction with the annual picnic on Saturday, 7/17/10.  The rifle shooting began at 8:00 AM at a range of 221 yards (just to throw off those people who might have already zeroed their rifles).  The shooting was done for rifles in two categories:  large game (legal for deer) and varmint.  The competition was for smallest group size.  Varmint caliber rifles were measured on 5 shots from a bench, and large game rifles were measured on 6 shots (2 from the bench, 2 from a standing position, and 2 from kneeling or sitting position).  The winners were:

Class Shooter Group size
Men (large game) Bob Parish 10 inches
Women (bench) Donnette York 4.25 inches
Varmint (bench) Jay Partlow 2.7 inches
Junior (bench) Cheyenne Partlow 1.7 inches

The shotgun shooting started about 2:15 PM.  The shotgun competition this year consisted of 10 shots at each of the following presentations.

In case of a tie the shooters had an option to determine the winner by a shoot-off, and the winner of the shoot-off took first place.  The men were divided into two groups by age:  men (from 18 through 59 years old), and veterans (60 or more years old).  The winners were:

Class Position Shooter Score
Veterans 1 Tim Hulse 30
Veterans 2 Bob Sutton 30
Men 1 Wayne Griesenauer 3?
Men 2 Dan Postlewait 35
Men 2 Jim Tillery 35
Women 1 Julie Postlewait 27
Women 2 Donnette York 11
Junior 1 Cody Partlow 18
Junior 2 Cheyenne Partlow 9