Annual Meeting Report

The 118th annual meeting of Canby Rod and Gun Club took place Saturday evening, 14 January 2006, at the clubhouse.  The doors opened at 5:30 PM for those members who wished to pay their dues or buy tickets to the various raffles or the fund raiser.   The business meeting started at 7:05 PM.  It was difficult to get an exact count, but there were approximately 240 members who attended the meeting.

Business Meeting (General)

The meeting was called to order by President Dahle Gubele at 7:05 PM, and the membership stood for the salute to the flag.  There followed a minute of silence for deceased members Glenn Cutsforth, Walt Faist, Leo Kenyon, Dave Thompson, and Eva Pearson, the wife of the club's first caretaker.  The following reports were made to the membership:

Dan Stevens presented a gift certificate, which had been approved by the Board of Directors at the December meeting, to Richard O. Phaneuf for his services to the 2005 shotgun program.

Election of Officers and Directors

The proposed list of new officers and directors was presented to the membership, and other nominations were solicited from the membership.  There were no additional nominations, and the following members were elected:
Dahle Gubele President
Jim Burdett Vice President
Adrian Hamilton Secretary
Doug Phaneuf Treasurer
Adam Berreth Director (term expires in 2008)
Cliff Hill Director (term expires in 2008)

The other board members are:
Dan Postlewait Director (term expires in 2007)
Dan Stevens Director (term expires in 2007)
Dennis Kenagy Past President (term expires when new president is elected)

New Business

There were two items of new business raised following the election of officers.

Homes Tupper proposed that spouses of deceased members who wished to continue to be able to use the club's facilities after the death of the member be allowed to do so.  Homes suggested that one way of accomplishing this was to require the surviving spouse to apply for membership in the club, and then they would be provided with an honorary membership to allow them to use the ranges until their application for regular membership could be processed and they attend a new member orientation.  Homes asked for a show of hands by those members whose spouses accompanied them while shooting or hunting, and between 10 and 20 members indicated that their spouse did.  Homes is going to begin the process of amending the club's bylaws to allow this assumption of membership, and will bring it to a vote of the members later this Spring.

Jim Burdett reviewed the increases in the cost of operating the club in the past few years (about 14% increase per year in the last three years), and expressed the need for continuing a reliable source of basic funding for the club's operations.  Jim suggested that there were at least three ways of doing that:  (1) an increase in dues, (2) an increase in members, or (3) some sort of membership fee for life members.  A motion was made and seconded to increase the annual dues by $20 per year, and that motion passed with little dissension.  A second motion was made and seconded to increase the maximum number of regular members from 450 to 500.  The voice vote on that motion was not sufficient to decide the result, so a vote by show of hands was requested.  A count of the votes indicated the increase in membership passed by a vote of 108 for the motion, and 64 against.  Given the support of the membership for these two motions, the process of making the formal changes to the bylaws will be started, and the formal vote will be taken at a special meeting of the membership in a few months.

Annual Fund Raiser Winners

The winners of the prizes in the annual fund raiser were:
First prize Remington 11-87 Premier shotgun Gary Long
Second prize Bushnell Yardage Pro laser rangefinder Larry Wrolstad
Third prize Magellan Explorist 300 GPS Philip Benson
Fourth prize four (4) Motorola FV500R Talkabout radios Larry Cole

Youth Program Raffle

Steve Millar, of Millar's Hiway Tire, and Adrian Fisher each donated a Savage bolt action rifle in .17 HMR to be raffled off for the benefit of the club's youth shooting program.  The winners of these raffles were:
Savage 93R17-FV Terry Bloomfield
Savage 93R17-GV Mike Riggs

Trophy Awards

Loy Russell and Howard Wurdinger presided over the judging of the prizes for the tag awards.  The winners of the fur, fin, and feathers prizes were:

Tony Boyer won the skunk drawing, and received a Winchester (Daisy) air rifle as a prize.


The meal was, as usual well prepared and enthusiastically served by the kitchen crew.  The menu included:  turkey, ham, sliced beef, braunschweiger, baked beans, macaroni salad, potato salad, green salad, vegetables, pineapple, cheese, potato chips, bread, rolls, and condiments.


This event requires a lot of work to be successful.  The following members provided time, effort, and personal expense, to set up and conduct the meeting:  Rod Beck, Dennis Berreth, Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Mike Crawford, Dave Fisher, Dahle Gubele, Adrian Hamilton, Dennis Kenagy, Sam Kriegshauser, Jennifer Kunzman, Jeff Patterson, Richard Phaneuf, Jerrid Russell, Kyle Russell, Loy Russell, Brent Scheafer, Nick Sorenson, Homes Tupper, Todd Vaudt, Glen Watson, and Howard Wurdinger.  We apologize if we omitted someone.