Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of Canby Rod and Gun Club occurred on Saturday evening, 15 January 2005, at the clubhouse.  The freezing rain which descended on the Portland area, and to a lesser extent the north side of Clackamas County, reduced the number of attendees, but there were still more than 178 members who were at the meeting.  The clubhouse was open before 6:00 PM so that members could buy fund raiser tickets, and other raffle tickets for rifles and other items.  Members who had not done so were also able to pay their annual dues before the meeting started.

President Dennis Kenagy called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, and began the meeting with the pledge of allegiance to our country and flag.  Doug Phaneuf read the minutes of the 2004 meeting, and the minutes were approved as read.  He also presented the treasurer's report, which was approved as read.  There was a moment of silence for members who died during the year, including Gordon Andrus, Elwood Faist, and Bill Nagl, and also for Dave Mitchell, who, though not a club member, provided goods and services to club members for several years.  Dahle Gubele, Director and Range Chairman, made the annual range report to the membership.  Dan Stevens, Shotgun Chairman, made the report of trap shooting activities in 2004.

Dennis Kenagy then called for a vote for the nominees for club officers, and for the two open director positions.  The nominees were approved by a voice vote.  The members elected were:

President Dahle Gubele
Vice President Mike Crawford
Secretary Adrian Hamilton
Treasurer Doug Phaneuf
Director Dan Postlewait
Director Dan Stevens

The other board members are:
Director Jim Burdett
Director Cliff Hill
Past President Dennis Kenagy

The business meeting was closed at 7:20 PM, and President Dahle Gubele then conducted the remainder of the meeting.

Loy Russell and Howard Wurdinger presented the prizes for hunting and fishing trophies taken during 2004. The winners were:

Eric Hopper won the skunk drawing, and received a Benjamin pump air rifle as a prize.

There were two rifles which were raffled off.  Millar's Hiway Tire Factory donated a 40th anniversary edition of the Ruger 10/22 rifle in .22LR, and Adrian Fisher donated a New England Firearms rifle in .17 HMR.  The winners of these drawings were:
Ruger 10/22 Tony Heckard
NEF .17 HMR Steve Jones

The fund raiser drawing was next, and the items won were:
Winchester Model 70 Ron Krettler
Steelhead Rod & Reel Terry Kirsch
Magellan GPS Tom Wilson
Motorola radios Terry Bergstrom

There were 96 door prizes which were then distributed to the winning members.

After the drawings, the evening meal was served.  As usual, it was an outstanding spread.  The members chowed down on roast beef, hot and cold sliced ham, turkey, braunschweiger, sausage, three kinds of cheese, potato salad, macaroni salad, baked beans, vegetables, green salad, sweet and dill pickles, onion, black olives, bread, rolls, Doritos, potato chips, and Fritos.  There was not a whole lot left over.

These events require a lot of work, from planning, ordering, picking up food and prizes, moving tables and setting up chairs, manning the raffles, working in the kitchen, and cleaning up afterwards.  Please thank the following members and family for contributing their time and effort:  Rod Beck, John Bee, Dennis Berreth, Bertie Boyle, Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Gordon Jeskey, Dennis Kenagy, Sam Kriegshauser, Steve Nimrod, Jeff Patterson, Jeff Peters, Richard Phaneuf, Jerrid Russell, Ken Russell, Kyle Russell, Loy Russell, Brent Schaefer, Nick Sorenson, Bob Tarr, Dave Trowbridge, Julian Trowbridge, Homes Tupper, Todd Vaudt, and Howard Wurdinger.

We were sorry that everyone who wanted to attend could not, but we had a great time anyway.  We'll look forward to seeing you around the club during the rest of 2005.