Annual Meeting 2012

Monday, 2 January 2012

CRGC's 2012 annual meeting will be held on Saturday, 21 January 2012.  The door's will be officially open at 4:30 PM for those members who wish to pay their annual dues, buy fund raiser tickets, or tickets to the various raffle items.  The business meeting will start at 6:00 PM.  With luck we will begin serving supper by 7:30 PM.

Preparation for the meeting will have started several days prior to the event, but there will be a fair amount of work to be done on the day of the meeting as well - moving tables, setting up chairs, distributing documents onto the chairs, setting up the door prize and cold drinks area, and bringing in food and other stuff that will be used during the meeting.  Anyone interested in helping can communicate with President Chuck McClaugherty (503-793-8063 or or Vice President Jim Burdett (503-266-5327 or to get details and times when help would be useful.

A .pdf copy of the notice of the annual meeting which was sent in December by U.S. Mail to all members can be found here.