Annual Membership Meeting 2017

Saturday, 28 January 2017

The annual membership meeting was held at the clubhouse on the evening of Saturday, 21 January 2017.  The doors opened at 4:30 PM, and the business meeting was scheduled to start at 6:30 PM.  There were 280 door prize tickets handed out, and few members arrived after the meeting got started.  The meeting was organized along the same lines as in 2016, with the north clubhouse entrance being the main point of entry, and the tables laid out in the same way as 2016.  The meeting ran smoothly in spite of one or two technical hiccups, and did not delay supper too much.

The meeting began a little late at 6:35 PM to allow the raffle and ticket area to be cleaned up.  The meeting agenda included the pledge of allegiance, and moment of silence for deceased members Bob Hogan, and Howard Wurdinger.  The meeting continued with the reports of the officers and committee chairpersons, and elections of new officers.  The new officers and directors are:

The other board members who were not up for election this year, and whose terms expire in 2018, are:

The meeting ran a bit over an hour, and, even if it was a little windy, was without controversy.  Member Bob Christie made a separate report on the status of establishing a scholarship program for CRGC members and their families.  The door prizes this year were Kershaw Leek knives, laser engraved with the CRGC logo and "2017".  We gave out 140 door prizes.  President Steve Turner named two new recipients of the President's Service Award for long and outstanding service to the club.  The new recipients were Jim Burdett, and Dennis Kenagy.  Recipients in previous years were Doug Phaneuf, and Hugh Boyle.

TThe following people won tag prizes this year.

Category Position Member 2015 #
Pheasant tail 1 Jim Tillery 20.25 inches
Turkey beard 1 No entries  
Trout 1 Walt Trapp 19 inches
Steelhead 1 No entries  
Spring Chinook 1 Keith Steffen 15 lbs
Fall Chinook 1 Keith Steffen 21 lbs
Black tail deer 1 Bob Christie 30.25
  2 Ed Turpin 28.75
White tail deer 1 No entries  
Mule deer 1 Hugh Boyle 46.5
  2 Jim Warn 45.25
  3 Chris Carlgren 44.75
Roosevelt Elk 1 Josh Jenson 67.25
Rocky Mountain Elk 1 Chris Carlgren 73.25
  2 Matt Powlison 70.5
  3 Brandon Ayres 70.0
Skunk drawing      

The winners of the fund raiser prizes were:

Millar's Point S (Ben Millar) donated a Ruger American Predator rifle in .223 Remington, and Adrian Fisher donated a Ruger LC-9S pistol.  The proceeds of these raffles are used for CRGC's junior shooter programs.  The winners were:

There were additional handguns raffled this year, and this turned out to be a popular drawing.  Each winner in turn got to choose their prize from the remaining handguns.  The winners were:

The dinner followed the normal annual meeting menu - turkey, ham, sliced beef, braunschweiger, sausage, potato salad, macaroni salad, cole slaw, baked beans, vegetables, rolls, chips, and condiments.  There was plenty for everyone, and even the last person in line could have had seconds on anything.

The volunteers who work on the annual meeting are essential to the success of the meeting.  It is the largest and most costly event of the year for CRGC, and would not be possible without the volunteer help.  If you see one of the volunteers, and you think they've done the job well, then please tell them.