Annual Meeting, Saturday 01/21/2017

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

The 2017 annual membership meeting will be held on Saturday, January 21st, 2017, at the clubhouse.  The doors will officially open at 5:00 PM, and the business meeting will start at 6:30 PM.

We are going to repeat last year's entrance process – just follow the lit path around the east side of the clubhouse, between the clubhouse and pavilion, and then onto the porch and enter through the north doors.  You may pay your dues, or buy fund raiser tickets, or pick up your membership card (if you paid by mail and have not yet received it) at the tables which will be immediately to your left as you enter the north doors.  Other raffle items will be on tables along the south wall of the clubhouse.  This separates out the crowd nicely, and allows much easier movement around the clubhouse.  Don't forget to get your door prize ticket when you enter the north doors.

Don't forget to bring any game trophies (antlers for deer and elk, feathers for turkey and pheasant, and certified scale weight ticket for fish) if you think you got a noteworthy game animal in Oregon in 2016.  In addition, bring your unused tags to put in the skunk drawing.

Please note that we have a larger number of much more valuable fund raiser prizes (10 years ago, our first place prize usually had an MSRP of around $750, down to fourth place with a value of just over $100), and we have substantially expanded the number of raffle prizes for 2017, and we still have firearms donated by Adrian Fisher and Millar's Point.S in support of junior shooter programs.  So, come prepared to participate in the raffles, and maybe take home some really nice stuff.

If you purchased fund raiser tickets prior to the meeting, and you paid your dues or you are a life member, the left half of your membership card will have the numbers of the tickets you purchased.  All pre-purchased tickets will have your name and telephone number pre-printed on the stub, and they will be placed in the drum for you.  We will also have lists of the pre-purchased fund raiser tickets, by name and by number, if you wish to confirm that we got your tickets.  You can do that at the tables to your left when you enter the north doors.

There will also be a post-meeting work party on Sunday morning from 8:00 AM to noon, unless we finish earlier, to clean up after the meeting, and reset the clubhouse to its normal seating configuration.