Annual Membership Meeting 2015

Thursday, 22 January 2015

The annual membership meeting was held at the clubhouse on the evening of Saturday, 17 January 2015.  There were 249 door prize tickets handed out, and 3 more members arrived after the meeting got started.  The meeting procedures were fairly smooth this year, but there is still room for improvement, and the board will be looking at ways to speed up the administrative tasks next year.

The meeting began a little late at 6:05 PM to allow the raffle and ticket area to be cleaned up.  The meeting agenda included the pledge of allegiance, and moment of silence for deceased members Earl Buche, Ron Coleman, Dave Fisher, Vern Ford, Richard Kuntz, James Lawrence, Joel Neuschwander, Art (Willie) Newby, and Jerry Severson.  The meeting continued with the reports of the officers and committee chairpersons, and elections of new officers.  The new officers and directors are:

The meeting was short (like Dennis Kenagy's building report:  "It's still standing.").  The remainder of the meeting ran fairly smoothly as well.  We are going to look at ways to make the dues payments and fund raiser ticket purchases run faster next year, to reduce the amount of standing in line time, and to create more time for drooling over goodies and buying raffle tickets.  We aren't sure what the changes will be, but several things have been discussed, such as using two entrances, rearranging the tables a bit, and bar coding membership cards for check in and door prize drawings.  Who knows - we might get more efficient.

TThe following people won tag prizes this year.  The numbers from 2014 are included for comparison, but the same people did not win in 2014.  The numbers, rather than the winners, are only for comparison.

Category Position Member 2015 # 2014 #
Pheasant tail 1 Keith Steffen 23.75 inches 21 inches
  2 Buck Teasley 23.25 inches 18 inches
  3 Loy Russell 23 inches 16.75 inches
Turkey beard 1 Dan Couvillion 10.25 10.25 inches
  2 Buck Teasley 8 inches  
Trout 1 no entries   29.0 inches
  2 no entries   24.375 inches
  2 no entries   19.75
Steelhead 1 Eric Hopper 15 lbs 3oz 12.5 lbs
  2 Joe Dula 11 lbs 8.0 lbs
  3 Keith Steffen 9 lbs 3oz 8.0 lbs
Spring Chinook 1 Jake Burroughs 12 lbs 26 lbs
Fall Chinook 1 Greg Ladrow 28 lbs 24.1 lbs
Black tail deer 1 Brett Gianela 31.125 34.0
  2 Jay Partlow 28.75 31.25
  3 Homes Tupper 25.875 29.5
White tail deer 1 Larry Ziegler 29.25 32
  2 Jim Burdett 25.875  
Mule deer 1 Brandon Ayres 41.75 45
  2 David Craig 40.5 41.5
  3 Greg Ladrow 39.25 38.25
Roosevelt Elk 1 Scott Carr 57.375 73.375
Rocky Mountain Elk 1 Kolin Thiel 72 74.25
  2 Mark Simmons 70 60.125
  3 Randal Zapp 51 48.125
Skunk drawing   Tony Boyer    

The winners of the fund raiser prizes were:

Millar's Hiway Tire (Steve Millar and Ben Millar) donated a Smith & Wesson M&P .22LR pistol, and Adrian Fisher donated a Savage Axis rifle in .25-06 with a scope.  The proceeds of these raffles are used for CRGC's junior shooter programs.  The winners were:

The volunteers who work on the annual meeting are essential to the success of the meeting.  It is the largest and most costly event of the year for CRGC, and would not be possible without the volunteer help.  If you see one of the volunteers, and you think they've done the job well, then please tell them.